offPath Writings Primary Writings not included on the Path by Author, in descending order: —|SCHOLAR|— More Writings! Scholar's Address Of the demise of that great civilization Scholar's Farewell Scholar's Vision [Summary Addendum] —|EGDERUS|— Egderus and "The Historian" Egderus and "The Historian", Part 2 Egderus' Last Writings Egderus' Secret —|SUPERIUS FRATER|— [Superius Frater's Notes] —|HISTORIAN|— [Historian's Notebook] [Historian's Tale] —|ROBENC|— "Young Robenc" "Robenc Returns" —|ARIC|— [Aric: Aftermath] [Postscript in Aric's own hand] —|REMNANT|— Rhapsody —|ANCIENTS|— "Wayfarin' Stranger" "Pastoral" "Fallen" "No gifts" "Stars" | INVENTORY| APPARATUS | OUTLINE |